Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top 4 Ways to Find Job Vacancies

Top 4 Ways to Find Job Vacancies
By []Alison Wood

When you are going about your search for a new job it sometimes pays to think a little bit differently, in order to get ahead of the competition. Here I want to examine five ways to find vacancies, from the well known to what I would call the more hidden vacancies.

1. Local: The standard way to look for a job is to check out your local newspapers. This is a good start and you should definitely not exclude this option. Not only will the vacancies be within commuting distance but you may well know of the companies concerned.
2. Online: We can then take the search a little wider and your next port of call should be online. Here you of course have the big job boards such as, but you can also look at specific company's websites that you are interested in working with. Say for example you are a Legal Executive, you could do a search for all the local law firms and then check out their careers pages and apply direct. With job boards you can usually register and upload your resume and then it becomes simplicity itself to make applications. Remember this is often a numbers game and the more relevant applications you have out there the better. The key part there though is relevancy, don't just apply for things randomly, you have to be able to demonstrate a good fit with the role by your skills and experience.
3. Networking: You will be surprised what can be achieved by networking and speaking to friends, relatives and acquaintances about any vacancies they may have heard of. Sometimes it might not be companies they actually work for but friends of friends and it is often easier to get your foot in the door if someone you know is taking your resume in for review personally.
4. On Spec: This is a largely underused method but if there are companies that you are particularly interested in working for, either because they are close to you or because they are in a field of particular interest, then you should send in an application and resume on spec. If you can call ahead and get the name and /or email address of the HR or Recruitment Manager then even better. Candidates are often lucky this way because you can find that your resume lands on the person's desk just as a vacancy arises. A company will always prefer a direct application as this is a key way of saving on advertising and agency costs.

Alison Wood has been the HR Manager for a large international company for over 12 years. To get further insights into career planning and job hunting success, check out the Career Planning Guide Toolbox

Article Source: [] Top 4 Ways to Find Job Vacancies

Making the Most Out of Job Vacancies Adverts

Making the Most Out of Job Vacancies Adverts
By []Sarah Boothman

You have spent weeks, maybe even months trailing through jobs vacancies. You have rejected those that did not suit your experiences and applied for as many as you could which fitted your skill set. Then, you receive a letter or a phone call saying that your application has been successful and they would like to invite you to an interview. Great! Now is your time to demonstrate your abilities and suitability for the job. You can use the jobs vacancies advert that you applied through to prepare for the interview and really impress your potential employers.

o First, you need to use the name of the company to do an internet search. This will allow you to make sure you know the history of the company and gain some knowledge over their future ambitions or mission statement. Showing that you are in it to progress and help build the company is a positive in the eyes of an interviewer as it shows dedication and insight.

o Secondly, if there are any names on the advert or you are told who your interviewer/s will be, do a little research on them. Things you should try to finds out are their job title and what they do, their career path and anything you have in common with them. This will help you to strike up a more personal rapport although you should remember to stay professional at all times and never ask questions. Try to bring up what you have learnt as part of your answer to a question.

o Thirdly, remember the date and the time of the interview perfectly. Write it down in several places so that you cannot forget, even though it is unlikely. Be punctual for your interview arriving 10 to 7 minutes early. This demonstrates professionalism and timeliness. However, if you arrive any earlier than this you might alienate the interviewer by inconveniencing them and forcing them to move appointments. Either that or you will be sitting helplessly in a corridor nervously waiting to be called.

o Finally, dress professionally for your interview unless otherwise stated on the jobs vacancies advert. If you know that your role will be office based or involve meeting people on a regular basis you should wear a smart suit. Ladies can choose from a trouser or a skirt option. If you feel that the environment is not that rigid then you could wear smart trousers or skirt and a shirt or smart top, leaving the jacket off. Do not wear jewellery and keep make-up and hair styles natural.

Take as many clues as you can from the jobs vacancies advert that you used when applying for the job. It can tell you a lot about the type of company you will be working for and give you a spring board to ask questions at the end of the interview. It is vital that you have at least two questions which you can ask the interviewer about your position you have applied for or the company, although having three or four will be useful in case one of your questions is covered during the main line of the interview. Take these tips wisely and you will be prepared for your interview well.

Sarah Boothman is a writer and marketing executive based in Yorkshire, England. She is an avid internet user and likes to share information with the rest of the world. For help with replying to Jobs Vacancies visit today.

Article Source: [] Making the Most Out of Job Vacancies Adverts

Jobs Vacancies Websites - The Most Useful Websites Ever?

Jobs Vacancies Websites - The Most Useful Websites Ever?
By []Sarah Boothman

My colleagues and I have been having a discussion recently over what the most useful websites every created are. Some people went for social media sites like Facebook because it makes it so much easier for us to communicate with friends, family and the wider world. Others said it was government and public organisation websites because they provided so much useful information including health advice, legal advice and help with the law.

However the over-riding opinion was that jobs vacancies websites are the most useful websites on the internet for modern society.

This is because they make job hunting so much easier and open up possibilities to people that they would have had no way of knowing about twenty years ago. All because the internet has allowed the world to communicate with each other from one town, county, nation and continent to another, all in the click of a mouse.

Now you may say that this is the internet in general, but without these dedicated jobs vacancies websites, we still would not have easy access to all of the job vacancies around the world.

Jobs vacancies do differ in quality and usefulness but there are some brilliant ones out there. The national job vacancies are the best, especially those on the websites for national newspapers. They allow you to search in preference of location, salary size, job type, industry and level within the company.

This is ideal for all job hunters, whether you want a part-time waitressing job on a Saturday for some pocket money or a managerial position in the financial sector.

Jobs vacancies websites also allow employers to connect with potential candidates by having the facility to match CVs with job adverts automatically. This means that people with the skills and experiences businesses are looking for in a new role can be matched with those listed by members of the site through the information they provide in their CV and personal details. These kind of services make job hunting a lot easier and ensure that the right people are applying for jobs that are suited to them.

Sarah Boothman is an internet marketer from Yorkshire. She knows how hard it can be to look for jobs. She has decided that Jobs Vacancies websites are the most valuable. Visit for more info today.

Article Source: [] Jobs Vacancies Websites - The Most Useful Websites Ever?